Announcements for Week of January 19, 2020


SUNDAY:   9:30 — Sunday School
                  10:45 a.m.—  Morning Service
             Recognition of Fox Street’s January birthdays.  We celebrate
             with you!  If you would like, you can make a donation to the
            Benevolence Fund in honor of  yours or someone else’s birthday.

MONDAY:  9:00 a.m.  —  Coffee at Linda Lou’s
TUESDAY:  10:00 a.m. — Sew Good Hours
                        2:00 p.m.  —  No CWC meeting in Towers Hall

WEDNESDAY:  6:00 p.m.  —  Bible Study  
                           7:10 p.m. —   Choir practice


FOX DEN—has become too small and the Youth need to move to the larger Youth Room!   They are in need of chairs, bean bags and a couch that are in good condition.  If you have  any questions, please see Jessica

FLOWER CHART — the new 2020 Flower chart is up on the bulletin board.  If you would like to place altar flowers in memory  or honor of someone or a special event, please sign up on the appropriate date.  The cost is $18 per vase and payment is due the Sunday before your chosen date, in order to give us time or order them.  Further instructions are on the sign-up sheet.

RESOURCE CENTER DONATIONS —  Please leave any craft items you would like to donate in the box in the Resource Center downstairs. The Discipleship Team will then shelf them.  Thanks!

SANDY PATTY IN CONCERT — August 8, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Barrow.  Ticket prices are $39 and $49 until April 1st, then they go up to $44 and $54.  Call 437-3440 for tickets or order online here

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