Announcements for Week of September 25, 2022


SUNDAY:          9:30 a.m.— Morning Worship
                            The altar flowers are given by Janet Larson in honor of
                             Susan Larson’s birthday.
                           11:00 a.m. — Sunday School
MONDAY:         9:00 a.m.—Breakfast at Eat ‘n Park (Dutch Treat)  
9:00 a.m. — Backpack Ministry– packing backpacks
WEDNESDAY:  4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.—Meal (donations accepted) Sign
                                                              up sheet on the bulletin board.
                             6:00 p.m. — Children and Youth Activities
                             6:00 p.m. — Adult Bible Study
                             7:00 p.m.  — Praise Team Practice


NEW START TIME FOR MORNING SERVICE– beginning October 2, service will start at 9:45 a.m.

NAME YOUR PRICE SALE  — October 7th and 8th—Please leave donated items in Towers Hall!  We will need help setting up for the sale starting at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 6th.  Can you help??  Let Pat or Janet know.

SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING — October 9th to discuss upcoming Capital Campaign.   No Sunday School.

FAITH PROMISE SUNDAY — October 16th —  Trans World Radio representative Paul Stobbe will be the speaker.  No Sunday School. There will be a meal (potato bar) following. Paul Stobbe’s presentation.  If you plan to attend, please sign up on the bulletin board  Also, if you could provide a dessert or jello salad, please sign up on that sign up sheet!!

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD — Pick up a shoebox!  They are on the shelf above the coat rack in the narthex.  Gift ideas and further instructions are in the shoeboxes. 

THANKSGIVING BASKETS — Non-perishable food items for any type meal should be in by November 1st   i.e. flour, sugar, spaghetti sauce, canned goods, items that could make a couple meals.  Financial donations would be appreciated also.  If you know someone affiliated with the church who needs a Thanksgiving basket, let the church office know.

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