Announcements for Week of October 8, 2023

THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES at Fox Street Church of God
8:30 to 9:30 a.m.—Breakfast by Donation to benefit Youth        
9:45 a.m.— Worship Service
                               11:00 a.m. —  Sunday School                          
MONDAY:             9:00  a.m.— Backpack Ministry (room  4 downstairs)
11:30 a.m. — Lunch at Country Grub (located on the
                                                       4H Fair Grounds) – menu/pricing is on
                                                        bulletin board. Pastor Chad will lead a
                                                        devotional.  Everyone welcome!
WEDNESDAY:   4:30 to 5:45 p.m.—Supper— various sandwiches
                                                               (donations accepted)
                              6:00 p.m.—Children/Youth Activities in Fox Den
                                                     Adult Bible Study in the Chapel  
SATURDAY:     9:00 to 3:00  – Name Your Price Sale in Towers Hall

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH!  –   The Troup’s ministry here is a family affair and let’s always show our appreciation for them, but especially take time this month to do so!    There will be a basket in the narthex to leave cards and gifts for Pastor Chad and his family.   

GUY PENROD IN CONCERT— October 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Barrow Civic Theatre in Franklin!  Link to ticket sales is here

CMA  ALL YOU CAN EAT SOUP SUPPER  — October 21st 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Towers Hall

GLORY WAY QUARTET— here on October 22nd during the morning service.  Old-fashioned Gospel music in four-part harmony.  Come and worship the Lord! A love offering will be taken.

INTERESTED IN SINGING IN THE CHOIR? Practice will start October 25th at 7:00 p.m. —sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.

TRUNK OR TREAT HARVEST PARTY — October 29 after Sunday School— Lunch is to be provided  —  hot dogs, chips and drinks.  You can decorate your car trunk and hand out candy to the kids, rain or shine.   Kids:   Church appropriate costumes — no scary or gory costumes!!

YOUTH LOCK-IN AT CHURCH – 7:00 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3 to Saturday, November 4th at 8:00  a.m.

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