Announcements for Week of March 23, 2025

THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES at Fox Street Church of God

:                9:45 a.m.—Morning Service
                                 11:00 a.m.  –  Sunday School

TUESDAY:             10:00  a.m.—Coordinating Team Meeting

WEDNESDAY:       4:30 to 5:45 p.m. — Supper— Chicken and biscuits
                                                                  (donations accepted)
                                 6:00  p.m.—  Adult and Youth Bible Study—
                                                       watching The Chosen
                                                        Children Activities in the Fox Den

THURSDAY:           6:00 p.m. — Property Finance Team meeting

FRIDAY:                  6:00  p.m. — One Cup at a Time  (see bulletin insert)


NOTE:   Due to circumstances beyond their control the costs of Easter tulips, hyacinths and daffodils have gone up 25% to $8.50 each.

CWC NEEDS the names and addresses of college students and military personnel connected to Fox Street in order to send them a gift card. You can drop it in the offering plate or give to the office. Deadline March 30.

CWC MEMBERSHIP MONTH—There will be a table in the narthex this Sunday and next where you can become a member or renew your membership:  $20.00—basic membership; $150.00—lifetime member

QUILT RAFFLE  – 3 tickets for $10.00  running through March 30.  See Janet at the table in the narthex. 


GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE—April 18th at 1:00 p.m.   We will also be dedicating the three crosses in the side yard.  (Outside; bring a chair!)

EASTER  EGG HUNT — April 19th  — We will be needing donations of Easter candy — no chocolate please! Donation box is in the narthex.

SUNRISE SERVICE— 7:00 a.m. at the Three Crosses—bring a chair and a blanket!  The service will be followed by a breakfast at 7:45 in Towers Hall.  Can you help out with menu items?  See bulletin insert.

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