Announcements for Week of November 5, 2023

THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES at Fox Street Church of God

SUNDAY:                9:45 a.m.— Worship Service
                               11:00 a.m. —  NO Sunday School    —
                                                   Annual Business Meeting  – Sign-in sheet
                                                    is in the narthex.  If you cannot stay,
                                                    absentee ballots are in the office                                    
MONDAY:              9:00 a.m. — Backpack Ministry room 4 downstairs
11:30 a.m. — Lunch at Country Grub (located on the
                                                       4H Fair Grounds) – menu/pricing is on
                                                        bulletin board. Everyone welcome!
WEDNESDAY:   4:30 to 5:45 p.m.—Supper— sloppy joes
                                                               (donations accepted)
                              6:00 p.m.—Children/Youth Activities in Fox Den
                                                 Adult Bible Study in the Chapel
                              7:00 p.m.—Choir Practice 


QUILTS OF VALOR PRESENTATIONNext Sunday followed by a carry-in dinner.  No Sunday School.

THANKSGIVING BASKETS—  Donations of food for a Thanksgiving meal are needed and a box is in the narthex for your donation.  Donations need in by Sunday, November 19th. CWC will be providing  a gift certificate for the meat.  If you know someone within our church in need of help with their Thanksgiving meal, please sign them up in the church. office. 

FOCS PIE AUCTION  — November 19th after church.  Buy your pies for Thanksgiving!  The proceeds will benefit the FOCS ministry.

ADVENT— Begins November 26th. 

RADA ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS  – the booklet to review the merchandise is on the ushers’ table in the narthex.  If you want to order anything,  see Carol or any other CWC member.

COORDINATING TEAM MEETING—December 5th at 10:00 a.m.


CHRISTMAS DINNER  — Carry-in dinner after church on December 10

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