SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m.— Teachers’ meeting in Chapel
10:45 a.m.— Morning Service
TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m. — Sew Good Hours
2:00 p.m. — CWC in Towers Hall
WEDNESDAY: 6:00 p.m. — Bible Study in sanctuary
THURSDAY: No Team Meetings
PATHWAYS RENEWAL TIME — The cost for the devotional is the same as last year ($10.76) and needs to be in by June 22 You can give your check to Diane after church on Sunday or you can catch her in the office on Wednesday afternoon. Please make your checks out to: Fox St. Church of God. Write Pathways in memo. Thank you, Melda
LET’S TELL HER THANK YOU! Our custodian, Deb Shoup, has done a phenomenal job during this COVID-19 pandemic—from sanitizing to buffing floors and cleaning carpets. She has a mailbox in the narthex where you can place thank you cards and notes.
WHITEHALL CAMPMEETING and, at this point, Youth Camps at Whitehall have been cancelled for 2020.
STUDENT BACKPACK PROJECT — Want to help some hungry students this fall? We need your help! See insert for details
EASTER EGG HUNT — July 25th – more details coming
SANDI PATTY CONCERT has been cancelled due to limits placed on the size of public events.