SUNDAY: 10:45 a.m.— Morning Service
TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m. — Sew Good Hours
WHAT DOES THE CHURCH OF GOD BELIEVE: Pastor Chad will be kicking off our Sunday School program on August 2nd at 9:30 am going over the basics of Church of God, Anderson origin, positions on Scripture (sola-scriptura), and our foundational landmarks. Our regular Sunday School programming will begin in September.
OUTSIDE WORSHIP SERVICE — August 9th at 10:45 am we will be having our worship service at Two Mile Park with a picnic to follow. If you are interested in being baptized, we are in a very convenient location. Beach opens at noon for swimming with lifeguards on duty.
AUGUST 30th — Student Promotion and Teacher Appreciation Sunday during morning worship
CHILDREN’S WORKERS NEEDED — We are in need of infant AND Toddler nursery workers. Please see Diane to be put on the schedule or to procure needed state clearances.
USHERS NEEDED — Would you like to be an usher? See Gary to help.
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PLAY— Soon the children and youth will be starting their practice for the Christmas play. We encourage regular attendance for any child who would like to be a part of the production. Please see Miss Wynter or Mrs. Jessie so that they can establish a cast and parts.