Announcements for Week of June 26, 2022
A fox riding a motorcycle in the Fourth of July Parade!!
A fox riding a motorcycle in the Fourth of July Parade!!
Calling all runners and walkers to our 5K/10K race to benefit our FOCS (Faith, Outreach, Charity, Service) ministry. The race will be on Justus Trail in Franklin. For more information on how to register click on the title of this post “FOCS Trot on July 30, 2022”.
“Star Spangled Banner” – note the fourth verse: “And this is our motto – ‘In God is our trust.'”
End of a fund raiser, team meetings and a salad supper are all on this week’s agenda.
However, humankind has a predictable pattern.
125th Anniversary, Fourth of July Float, VBS, FOCS Trot – only a few of the exciting things going on at Fox Street Church of God this summer.
his portion of Romans has a lot of information in it. For instance, there were those in Rome who were pushing back on the teachings of Paul relating to Jesus being the Messiah. Romans 7:1 identifies that he is talking to the Jews in Rome. Since this is the case, I have found where this precedence was set in the Old Testament as well and Paul is pointing us towards something deep!
Gearing up for VBS, Campmeeting, the FOCS Trot, and other summer activities.
“Slaves to Righteousness?” Old Life in Sin versus New Life Forgiving; Law Versus Grace; Without any help versus Getting help from the Helper; our will versus God’s Will; The master of your own sin versus the Spirit being the Master of your Life
Summer is coming and we are winding down some of our activities, but still a lot happening this summer!