SUNDAY: 10:45 a.m.— Pastor Eric Mitchell
Recognition of Fox Street’s August
birthdays. We celebrate with you! If you
would like, you can make a donation to the
Benevolence Fund in honor of yours or
someone else’s birthday.
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. — Back-to-School Block
SUNDAY THRU WEDNESDAY: 6:30 p.m. — Revival at First
Church of God, 13374 US Route 422,
Kittanning; Speaker Pastor Bruce
Wilson; refreshments nightly.
CWC HOBO DINNER — August 20th at 3:30 at Bev Prichard’s house, 845 Fern Avenue; cost: $2.00 — All Ladies Welcome!
PIE SOCIAL August 27th from 4:30 to 6:00. If you can help bake pies, sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.
MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE TRIP — October 10th thru 12th — Cost is approximately $220 — more details on sign-up sheet on bulletin board. Deadline to sign up is September 8th. See Diane with questions.
BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG REPORT — Thanks to all who donated! Fox Street contributed $441.06 to ABC Life Center!
IGNITE YOUR FIRE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE — Saturday, October 12 at First Church of God in Oil City. Brochures in the narthex.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY — Contact Ken Barker.