Announcements for Week of August 2, 2020


SUNDAY:   9:30 a.m.  — Sunday School—Pastor Chad will be teaching on the basics of Church of God, Anderson origin, positions on Scripture (sola-scriptura), and our foundational landmarks. 

                10:45 a.m.—   Morning Service

                 11:30 a.m.  — Reception for Pastor Jodi, Paul and Ethan

TUESDAY:  10:00 a.m.  — Sew Good Hours


CWC  MEMBERSHIP — For the next few weeks you can still pay your membership dues to Carol.  $15.00 for one year membership; $25.00 challenge;  or $150.00 for life membership.

NEXT SUNDAY OUTSIDE WORSHIP SERVICE — August 9th, 10:45 a.m. at Two Mile Run Park. Gather at the Lakeside Pavilion (going towards the beach, it’s the first parking lot on the right).  Following the service, there will be a picnic!  All food, drinks and table service provided.  Bring a lawn chair, if you’d like!

ICE CREAM SOCIAL — August 25th  4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you can help by making a pie, see Bev or sign up on bulletin board.

AUGUST 30th — Student Promotion and Teacher Appreciation Sunday during morning worship

FAITH PROMISE AND EOB —are combining to become F aith O utreach C harity S ervice  If you are interested in being part of this new team, let Pat or Pastor Chad know. 

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PLAY— Soon the children and youth will be starting their practice for the Christmas play. We encourage regular attendance for any child who would like to be a part of the production.  Please see Miss Wynter or Mrs. Jessie so that they can establish a cast and parts.

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