SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. — Sunday School
10:45 a.m. — Morning Worship
TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m. — Sew Good Hours
WEDNESDAY: 6:00 p.m. — Bible Study via Facebook Live.
ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING — November 15th following the morning service. Copies of the 2021 Budget Proposal and the ballot are in the Narthex. If you can’t make the meeting, absentee ballots can be obtained in the office. They must be returned by the morning of the 15th
MILITARY GOODIE BOXES — CWC ladies are currently collecting names and addresses of church family military members to whom you’d like to have a “goodie box” sent. Please have their name and address to the church office by November 15. Boxes will be sent on November 17. If you would like to purchase items (nothing home made due to COVID), to help fill the boxes, please have them to Towers Hall kitchen or church office by November 16th. Tag you bag: “Goodie box items.”
CWC MEETING— Monthly meeting will be November 17th at 1:30
THANKSGIVING BASKETS — Food stuffs for our annual “Thanksgiving Baskets” will be collected Sunday morning, November 22. Baskets will be packed on the 24th and may be picked up after 3 pm. that day or we will deliver. Names of families you would like to see receive a basket should be turned in to the office, along with the number of persons in the household (plus pick-up or a delivery address). Information should be turned in by Sunday, November 22nd.