Announcements for Week of February 7, 2021


SUNDAY:    9:30 a.m.  — Sunday School

                   10:45 a.m.   — Morning Worship

WEDNESDAY:  6:00 p.m. — Bible Study via Facebook Live


THANK YOU!!  To all who helped move the church office  to its new location and set up the Counseling/Prayer Room. 

COORDINATING TEAM MEETING — February 16th at 10:00 a.m.

CWC MEETING — February 16th at 1:30 in Towers Hall

PROPERTY FINANCE TEAM MEETING — February 18 at 6:00 p.m.

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM —  February  21st during the morning service.  Children are urged to attend every Sunday in order to practice for the program. 

FINAL NOTICE!!  UPDATING DATABASE — Please fill out the information sheet found in your bulletin so we can update our database.  Place in the offering plate or leave in church office.  Thanks!

FLOWER CHART  —  If you would like to place altar flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board.  Cost is $18 per vase, payable to the church the week before your chosen date.  Include all information with check.

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