Announcements for Week of March 21, 2021


SUNDAY:    9:30 a.m.  — Sunday School

                   10:45 a.m.   — Morning Worship in Towers Hall
                                            Last day to  order Easter flowers
Floor Signing Ceremony—Immediately after the morning service,  you’ll be given an opportunity to write down some history on the floor of the sanctuary before the new carpet is installed.  So, come with a favorite verse, mark where you used to sit or  make note of a memory!
TUESDAY: 12:00  p.m.  FOCS Backpack Program — more
                                               volunteers are needed to help pack 


 MAUNDY THURSDAY — April 1st, from 9 am to 7 pm come in for Foot Washing by Pastor Chad and Communion in the Chapel.  If you do not wish to have your feet washed, you can still come in for communion, just keep your shoes on.

EASTER SCHEDULE — Sunrise  Service (8 am) coffee, juice, donuts in between, no Sunday School; Easter Service (10 am)

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY —     In-person Bible Study will being on Wednesday, April 7th at 6:00 p.m. We will be studying the book A Gentle Answer-our “Secret Weapon”  Age  of Us Against Them by Scott Sauls.  Books are $10 each—orders must be placed by April 4th .

NEEDS FOR FOCS BACKPACK PROGRAM —       We are in desperate need  of plastic bags (we go through 94 every week) and single serve boxes of cereal.   We also need Jiffy Peanut Butter To-Go packages  and Yoohoo chocolate  boxed drinks (NO CANS).

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