Announcements for Week of December 26, 2021


SUNDAY:          9:30  a.m. — No Sunday School
10:00  a.m. —  Morning  Worship

SATURDAY:     Happy New Year!


JANUARY 2 — No Sunday School—Service begins at 10:00 a.m.– Rev. John Mark Henry will be preaching.

CHOIR  will be on hiatus until the first of the year.

WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY — begins the first of  the new year

TEAM MEETINGS — Coordinating Team will meet at 10:00 a.m. on January 18th (Don’t forget your homework!! If you have forgotten, see Diane.); Property Finance Team  will meet at 600 p.m. on January 20th .  Both meetings will be in the Chapel.

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE SCRIPTURE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE?   The Worship Team wants your input!  There’s a form to fill out above the mailboxes in the narthex; place the form in the small green basket in the same location.  You or someone else can read your Scripture during the morning service.

From a 1788 Christmas Sermon by  Rev. James Dana at Christ Church in Wallingford, CT. :  If it be asked. What evidence have we that there was such a person as Jesus born in the city of David, at the time we suppose; who taught, lived, and performed such works as never man did, died on the cross, and rose to immortal life? Our answer is, the same evidence as we have for the existence of any conspicuous characters in ancient history. Yea, more, if possible: For besides the testimonies of Christian, Jewish and Pagan historians to the life of Jesus, the accomplishment of his prophecies in all ages since, and before the face of all people, undeniably proves, not only that there was such an illustrious character at that time, but also that he was sent of God.

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