Sermon for May 22, 2022
You cannot love God, love people, or love yourself without the help of the Holy Spirit
You cannot love God, love people, or love yourself without the help of the Holy Spirit
Winding down for the summer, but still exciting things going on!
Do you have the right spirit?
Subs, golfing, running and VBS!
Why are the people in this area, Corinth, having issue with life after death? It is due to the Greek philosopher Epicurus, 341–270 BC. Epicurus proclaimed the ultimate end of man’s life at the moment of death. There is no future existence for the dead because with death the body falls apart and everything ends. Epicurus’ view of death as the definitive end to everything was shared by his disciples.
Breakfast, packing backpacks, having a banquet — lots of activities taking place at Fox Street!
He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”
Not quite as busy this week, but we are preparing for a busy summer!
John 20:22 can be a hard thing to understand. Why? Well, when you see this, we see Jesus imparting the Holy Spirit. This can be quite confusing. We often celebrate the Book of Acts and the Day of Pentecost as the disciples receiving the Holy Spirit. We are not wrong in either assumption, but we are wrong in the form of the baptism. There is a reason why we get the story of Doubting Thomas immediately after this comment.
A busy, busy week at Fox Street Church of God!