Announcements for Week of January 29, 2022
Exciting events coming up!
Exciting events coming up!
Reeds were an important part of Ancient Near Eastern life. Reeds were used by every culture for a variety of purposes. Often woven together, the long leaves were used for baskets, making drainpipes, musical instruments, and walking sticks. They were also used to make paper and rope. At the crucifixion of Jesus, a sponge was put on a long reed and was offered to Him.
Gearing up for 2023!
Fault Lines and Restoration
A busy week this week!
Jesus fulfills in his sacrifice the Ceremonial and the Civil part of Old Testament covenants. However, the moral covenant of the 10 Commandments is still very much in affect.
Week number two of 2023!
Unlike our calendars, the New Year was recorded differently in the Old Testament times. Their New Year started with preparations for Passover. However, things change for the Jewish people.
A new year is upon us. We don’t know what it holds, but we do know Who holds the future!
For unto us a Savior is born!